Articles Posted in Politics

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I have been told today from several sources that Collin County District Attorney John Roach will not be seeking re-election. I haven’t seen an official press release, but believe it is true.

His campaign website says it is being readied for the 2010 re-election campaign, but hasn’t been updated in a while.

You heard it here first.

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There is a lot of whispering, some shouting, and other ambient noise about changes in judges in Collin County.  I decided to write a bit about it.  Please keep in mind that none of my information is either verified or has any real sources to it.  None of the attorneys, judges, potential candidates or anyone else has told me anything personally that could be cited as a fact.  I haven’t talked to most of these attorneys about it either.  Lets just call this post part of the rumor express.  If you are mentioned in here and want to comment publicly or privately, have at it.

If you are one of the people running, talking about running, or being talked about as running, you may not want to read further.   I like pretty much everyone running, so I’m going to (at least for now) keep my most of my thoughts to myself on who I think should be a judge.

So here goes. . .

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