
More Interesting Plans by MADD

I read an article today on the online version of the Tyler Morning Telegraph.  It is entitled "MADD President: More To Be Done To Prevent Deaths." 

Some interesting thoughts of MADD… Here are some of the quotes of MADD’s political agenda and hopes to remove all free will from our citizens…

Ms. Knox said MADD’s goal is to eliminate drunken driving by separating alcohol from cars.

She talked about new, developing technology that will one day allow cars to read alcohol intake by a person’s touch or breath when they get behind the wheel.

Birch said the devices will be unobtrusive, similar to air bags, because about 40 percent of Americans don’t drink. The public demanded air bags for every passenger in a car and MADD wants the public to demand alcohol-detecting devices in every car, he said.


Five years from now, he hopes there will be fleet vehicles with interlock devises, placed there by employers, Birch said. Ten years from now, they hope to have them on all vehicles.


Now, MADD is also trying to get sobriety checkpoints in every state.

And one of my favorites,

Bingham has said trying driving while intoxicated cases can be difficult because jurors think everyone has drank and driven and no one got hurt. But, Bingham said, at any moment accidents can occur. He said the offense is committed by many people in the public but it doesn’t lessen the seriousness of the offense.
He said it is his responsibility to be aggressive with the cases, but there are other district attorney’s offices that reduce first-time DWI offenses because they are afraid to try the cases. He said Smith County juries are not so tolerant.

Bingham said the penalties need to fit the crime.

Here’s my question about that…. If jurors think that a first time offender is someone that deserves a second chance.. how is that not the penalty fitting the crime?  Why is it that MADD believes THEIR version of punishment is the only acceptable version?

Juries are made up of a cross section of society.  Shouldn’t society, and not a political Action Committee such as MADD be the decision makers?

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